A local group of artists in various disciplines calling themselves “Collective Euphonia” spent time at the Taubman...
One of the local races on the June 8th primary ballot is Roanoke City Sheriff’s Office –...
Virginia Tech is one game away from the NCAA College Softball World Series after beating 2nd-ranked UCLA...
The 7th annual Gauntlet Business program and competition wrapped up with its award ceremony last night in...
We’ve heard about some of the Democrats running for Governor already – today we’ll learn more about...
Summer air travel is quickly rebounding across the country, and that includes traffic at Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport...
One of Virginia’s Democratic US Senators has already supported it; the other is taking a wait-and-see approach....
NEWS RELEASE: At 6:24 p.m. on Monday (May 24), Virginia State Police responded to a crash on...
Average Roanoke Valley home prices continue to climb, up about 25 % in April over the year...
Roanoke Police are investigating the latest shooting incident involving a juvenile. This one happened shortly after midnight...
A procedural vote could be taken today in the US Senate today regarding the establishment of a...
When the Memorial Day holiday weekend kicks off tomorrow, so will the traditional start of the summer...
UVA beats Virginia Tech 3-2 in their opening round ACC baseball tournament game in Charlotte yesterday. The...
Former Senator John Warner was always a Republican, but he sometimes faced criticism from within the GOP...
Boys and Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia has awarded its first annual educational scholarship to a club...