The latest temperature check on how Virginians surveyed statewide about their confidence in the economy reveals a...
Gene Marrano
American Rescue Plan Act funding awarded in 2022 by Roanoke City to Habitat for Humanity resulted in...
Gus Nicks Boulevard from the Vinton-Roanoke City line into downtown Vinton could look markedly different by the...
From the WFIR News room this is your Culture Calendar – With a look at some of...
Think of it as an emergency room of sorts – but with a focus on mental health...
Mill Mountain Zoo executive director Niki Voudren says its costs almost $4000 a day to feed and...
Roanoke College’s 12th president is Frank Shushok Jr., who joined the college after 13 years at Virginia...
A nationally-recognized arts educator and curator has landed in Roanoke County at the Eleanor D. Wilson Museum...
FIFTH ANNUAL DO GOOD DAYS ANNOUNCED ROANOKE, VA – The Roanoke Rail Yard Dawgs are teaming up...
From the WFIR News room this is your Culture Calendar – With a look at some of...
Several older churches that no longer hold services are being turned into affordable living spaces and today...
Two New River Valley residents say Virginia is a “hot spot” for Alpha-gal Syndrome, a severe allergy...
A well-crafted and forward-thinking Master Plan for Roanoke City Parks and Recreation can make access to future...
The Roanoke Police Department is investigating a shooting in Northwest that left five people injured. On February...