NEWS RELEASE: RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today issued the following statement about protests in the City of Richmond....
The Virginia Department of Health reports 331 confirmed or “probable” COVID-19 cases in the Roanoke Valley since...
From Roanoke City Manager Bob Cowell: I commend those that peacefully gathered today to exercise their right...
Protesters marched through Roanoke streets on two separate occasions Saturday in response to the death of George...
The Virginia Department of Health reports a total of 325 COVID-19 cases in the Roanoke Valley since...
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) — The rampage at a Virginia Beach city government building was the latest...
UPDATED NEWS RELEASE: On May 28, 2020 at 7:47pm, the Martinsville-Henry County 9-1-1 Center received a call...
NEWS RELEASE: At approximately 1:10pm this afternoon, a Diamond DA20 aircraft made a hard landing on runway...
By law everyone in the United States is required to respond to the US Census by the...
Many Virginia restaurants now have two weeks of experience adapting to new rules that allow them to...
12 new confirmed or probable COVID-19 cases have been added in the Roanoke Valley over the latest...
This is day one of Governor Northam’s face mask executive order. It requires face mask use inside...
From Yokohama: Yokohama Corporation of North America’s (YCNA) consumer tire plant in Salem, Virginia is set to...
UPDATE: Virginia State Police Trooper L.R. Spencer is investigating a two vehicle crash which resulted in two...
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Looser restrictions on businesses and social gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic are still at least...