UPDATE: On June 21,2020, The Bedford County Sheriff’ Office obtained warrants on and arrested the following:...
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — For the second time in two years, no big-name Republicans in Virginia are...
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has announced that a company will invest more than...
A political analyst from our area says it is important for Joe Biden’s VP pick to appeal...
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced Friday that he will release the names of...
A new set of flash flood warnings is now in effect across most of the Roanoke Valley...
Its not only the food they serve every day and the donations taken in that are being...
Governor Northam says one of the things he is monitoring before setting a date for “Phase 3”...
Local seniors who missed most of their last season of High School softball have one more chance...
31 new confirmed or probable coronavirus cases have been attributed to the Roanoke Valley, according to the...
The new executive director of the West End Center for Youth is right where she though she...
NEWS RELEASE: In light of the significance of Juneteenth and the recent statement by the Governor to...
UPDATE: on Thursday June 18, 2020, a Suzuki motorcycle driven by Ryan Alouf was traveling northbound on...
Team sports are on their way back in July – barring unforeseen circumstances related to the Coronavirus....
Governor Northam today outlined how Phase 3 of his reopening executive orders will impact Virginia, but he...