With more of an effort to “mainstream” those with intellectual disabilities, and finding them employment – how...
Gene Marrano
Keep on grinding – that’s what Roanoke Rail Yard Dawgs head coach Dan Bremner is telling his...
The Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority has been recognized nationally as the “Local Project of the Year.” That...
Minor League baseball teams are often known for their unusual nicknames – the Sod Poodles, Lugnuts, Jumbo...
Roanoke Rail Yard Dawgs majority owner Bob McGinn says he is “excited” about the Dawgs first playoff...
12 years ago this morning a gunman took the lives of 32 students and faculty members at...
You might say construction at Rosie’s Gaming Emporium in Vinton has reached the homestretch. The offtrack and...
Hundreds of thousands will make the transition from active military duty into the civilian workforce in the...
Virginia Tech held its spring football game on Saturday, pitting the Hokies offense against its own defense....
Tomorrow marks 12 years since the Virginia Tech mass shooting that left 32 people dead and many...
He calls himself “America’s Coach” so its fitting perhaps that Jeff Galloway of “Run-Walk-Run” fame is in...
Interim Salem Red Sox General Manager Allen Lawrence is excited to get the season underway. And running...
“America’s Toughest Road Marathon” continues to grow in its tenth year – in the number of registrants...
Its another part of the Blue Ridge Marathon tradition – a 3-mile “Shakeout Run” tomorrow morning. More...
The Roanoke Rail Yard Dawgs won game one of their Challenge Round series in the SPHL Playoffs...