Virginians can now register on line (see link below) to be notified when your turn is nearing to receive a COVID-19 vaccination — an important step in promised state efforts to provide an orderly and timely vaccination program. The site asks you to provide information that helps determine which level of eligibility you fall into, and you are told to await emailed or texted information on how to confirm that eligibility. The website makes clear that signing up does not reserve a spot to receive the vaccine.
For now, those in Group 1a are receiving first attention. Virginians in 1b and 1c are advised they will be contacted once their phase is available. For other groups, it is basically a message saying we will get back to you in the future.
For those in Group 1a the website says: “Based on your answers, you are eligible for Phase 1a of Virginia’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan. Submission of this form does NOT reserve a COVID-19 vaccine.”
For those falling into groups 1b or 1c, the site states: “Once your vaccine phase is available, you will be contacted by the Virginia Department of Health to verify your vaccine eligibility.
For those in later groups, the website says: “Based on your responses, you can get the COVID-19 vaccine in the future when it is offered to all people your age. See direct link below: