There are all sorts of outdoor gear demonstrations and vendor booths, not to mention group rides and...
If you are planning on a fall foliage drive, this year’s colors look to be especially vibrant...
On October 13, 2022 at approximately 8:16 a.m., Roanoke Police were notified by the City of Roanoke...
State Police say a Rocky Mount man was killed this morning when his car left U.S. 220...
The Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts have used a towed trailer in the past to deliver...
Roanoke County’s Director of Elections says some early voters are asking why they can’t vote for governor...
Governor Youngkin is proving to be a popular draw to appear alongside candidates in other states. State...
Its probably not a shocker but the latest Wason Center phone survey of Virginia registered voters statewide...
General Jason Miyares says gun buyback programs like “Groceries Not Guns” in Roanoke are not effective ways...
This is the time of year when stink bugs are more likely to enter your home,...
UPDATE: Roanoke City emergency crews say one person and a dog have died as the result of...
Pregnant women with any concern about getting a flu shot – with the upcoming “season” expected to...
In conjunction with a new coalition called the Roanoke Foodshed Network, Carilion Clinic is bringing back the...
NEWS RELEASE: On October 10, 2022 at 2:45PM, the Bedford County Sheriff’s Office responded to the area...
A Roanoke College sports legend will be posthumously inducted this weekend into the National Lacrosse Hall of...