Democratic Senator Mark Warner says Attorney General William Barr “fundamentally mischaracterized” Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings when Barr conducted a news conference before the releasing the report. Warner says it is essential that Congress hear directly from Mueller himself. Here is Warner’s full statement:
“We have received the redacted version of the Special Counsel’s report, and I am carefully reviewing its contents and findings. Even a preliminary review of the material makes it clear that the Attorney General fundamentally mischaracterized the Special Counsel’s findings in his pre-emptive press conference this morning. In the days to come, it is essential that Congress hear directly from the Special Counsel regarding his investigation. The Senate Intelligence Committee continues its own investigation, and I expect to receive a full briefing, an unredacted report, and all the materials underlying the Special Counsel’s findings.”
Republican Congressman Morgan Griffith says the Mueller report finds no Trump campaign collusion with Russia — and the president’s frustration with the investigation did not stop it. Griffith says the issue is resolved, and it is time to close this chapter. Here is Griffith’s full statement:
“While I have not had time to read the entire 400-page report, it is clear that the Special Counsel did not find that President Trump or his campaign colluded or cooperated with Russia. That issue is resolved. It is understandable that the President would be frustrated by an investigation into a crime he did not commit. Moreover, his frustration did not stop the Special Counsel from completing his investigation. The investigation is over, and the Attorney General has released its findings to the public. It is time to close this chapter.”