A new Roanoke College statewide poll finds a majority of Virginians believe former President Trump did something illegal in cases involving classified documents at his Florida home and the 2020 election. Just about one-third of those questioned believe he violated any law in the case involving alleged hush money. But Poll Director Bryan Parsons say the chasm by party is huge — 70% or more by party involving the documents and 202o election. Parsons says it is another clear piece of evidence of the large partisan divide that now exists in Virginia and across the country. More from WFIR’s Evan Jones:
Here is a portion of the Roanoke College Poll news release:
We also asked Virginians for their opinions about three of the now four indictments facing Trump. The percentage of Virginians who reported hearing or reading a lot or some about former President Trump being indicted was 82% in the case involving allegations about classified documents, 77% in the case involving allegations about hush money payments, and 84% in the federal case involving allegations about the 2020 presidential election. For each of these cases, we asked Virginians whether they think Trump did something illegal, did something unethical but not illegal, or did nothing wrong. A majority of Virginians reported that they think Trump did something illegal in the cases involving classified documents (54%) and the 2020 election (51%), while about a third reported that they think he did something illegal in the case involving hush money payments (34%). There are substantial differences between Democrats and Republicans in these responses, including 70- and 72-point gaps in beliefs about whether Trump did something illegal in the classified documents and 2020 election cases, respectively, and a 54-point gap in beliefs about whether Trump did something illegal in the hush money payments case. Among independents, 64% reported that he did something illegal in the classified documents case, 33% reported he did something illegal in the hush money payments case, and 58% reported that he did something illegal in the 2020 election case.
Click here to see the full news release.
Click here to see the full poll results and methodology.