Roanoke Police are investigating ten separate residential burglaries since early September, all occurring during daytime hours. Most occurred in Raleigh Court, Grandin Village and South Roanoke, but there are two others in northeast Roanoke. Police say there are no arrests so far, and they hope someone can provide information that can lead to arrests for the burglaries.
Click here for a map showing all burglary locations and dates.
Here is the complete Roanoke Police news release:
Roanoke Police Department Investigates Residential Burglaries
Roanoke, VA-The Roanoke Police Department is investigating a series of ten
daylight residential burglaries that have occurred within the last month.
The incidents occurred at the following locations and were reported on the
following dates:
2300 block of Rosalind Avenue, reported on September 2, 2011
2300 block of Howard Avenue, reported on September 12, 2011
1900 block of Aberdeen Avenue, reported on September 15, 2011
2300 block of York Road, reported on September 19, 2011
1800 block of Fareham Road, reported on September 23, 2011
1800 block of Windsor Avenue, reported on September 23, 2011
2800 block of Wycliffe Avenue, reported on September 26, 2011
3500 block of Belle Avenue, reported on September 28, 2011
1600 block of Windsor Avenue, reported on October 5, 2011
2000 block of York Road, reported on October 6, 2011
No arrests have been made in any of these incidents. Anyone with
information regarding this or other crimes should call the Roanoke Police
Department at 853-5959 or Crime Line at 344-8500. Crime Line may offer a
monetary reward for any information leading to an arrest.
Citizens are encouraged to lock all doors and windows to their residences.
Citizens noticing any suspicious activity should report that activity by
calling 911 immediately.
Click here for a map of the 10 recent residential burglaries.