The three-day “soft opening” is over. Kohl’s new Roanoke store is “officially” open as of 7:00 am today, after a brief ribbon-cutting ceremony. About 50 shoppers were lined up outside the store as Congressman Bob Goodlatte and Roanoke Mayor David Bowers offered brief welcoming speeches. WFIR’s Evan Jones was there.
[audio:http://wfirnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/09-29-Kohls-PM-Wrap1-WEB.mp3|titles=09-29 Kohls PM Wrap1-WEB]
It’s a homecoming for store manager Glenda Morris, who grew up in the Roanoke Valley. 130 people work at the Roanoke Kohl’s, and they’re looking for more — at least through the holidays. Click here for the Kohl’s job information web page.