UPDATE: The Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection says thanks in large part to news media attention and the public response, there is once again enough space for large dogs that are brought in. Officials say 15 large dogs were adopted, 14 transferred to rescue partners, and 11 more were redeemed by their owners. The center takes in stray animals brought in from several area municipalities.
News release: (RCACP) issued a press release on November 28, 2017, advising that the shelter was at capacity with large dogs. We are very thankful that the media, our rescue partners, and Roanoke Valley citizens responded to our situation in such a positive way. We are pleased to report that 15 dogs were adopted, 14 dogs were transferred to our rescue partners, and 11 dogs were redeemed by their owners. We are grateful that the Roanoke Valley community showed its support and stepped up to the challenge of finding a safe haven for these animals in loving homes or to rescues that will search for the perfect family for these dogs. The shelter environment is difficult, both for the animals and the staff who care for them on a daily basis. Staff can be both emotionally and physically overwhelmed by the sheer number of animals who need our help. So, to see the animals receiving new homes, particularly during the holiday season, has been exciting and rewarding for all of us here at RCACP. Thank you all again for your incredible support.
Previously: There is no more room for large dogs — and least not for the moment — at the center that takes in most of the Roanoke Valley’s stray dogs and cats. Officials hope more adoptions can ease the crowding and avoid putting more animals down, as WFIR’s Evan Jones reports.
The Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection takes in strays from Roanoke City, Roanoke County, Vinton and Botetourt County.