The Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has charged 202 Market with allowing a striptease act, and the case now heads for a hearing. More from News/Talk 960’s Evan Jones.
Here is the full ABC news relase:
202 Market was charged this morning with allowing a striptease act on the licensed premises in violation of Sections 4.1-325 A. 12 of the Code of Virginia.
The violation report is being reviewed by the ABC Bureau of Law Enforcement management and will be forwarded to our ABC Hearings Division for docket. Dockets are available on our Web site at .
These administrative hearings are open to reporters and to the public. Until the case is heard, it is considered a pending investigation and we will not be able to answer questions about the case; however, we can answer questions about administrative procedure.
Following is a synopsis of the administrative hearings process:
The initial hearing will be heard by an ABC administrative law judge who will issue a written decision outlining evidence from the hearing that was considered in his/her decision. Once the decision is issued, there is a 30-day appeal period. If an appeal is filed, the appeal is presented to the ABC Board. A final order is then issued and if there is another appeal, it is heard by circuit court in the area where the licensee is located.
There is no set timeframe for docketing because it depends on availability of the licensee, attorneys, special agents, hearing officers, court reporters and hearings rooms.