The Humble Hustle Company is inviting young girls around the Valley to a conference at Hollins University...
Local Business and Economic Development
A local organization aimed at helping mothers prioritize their wellbeing returns with their fourth annual summit. WFIR’s...
With help from American Rescue Plan funding the Local Environmental Agriculture Project – or LEAP, which operates...
As she promised, Freda Cathcart – one of the vocal opponents of the proposed coffee shop at...
The first place winner at last night’s 2023 GAUNTLET program were Mandi and Travis Hundley, owners of...
A long-standing charity golf tournament will have a new addition this year. WFIR’s Emma Thomas has details:
Donnie D’s (now in Daleville) has been eagerly awaiting to spill the bagels! Anyways, we are so...
Altec Industries, a global industrial machinery manufacturer, will invest $1.4 million to expand the production of Altec’s...
About half of the 100-plus startups that entered The Gauntlet business mentoring program this year made it...
For a second time Valley Metro, The Town of Vinton and the Vinton Breakfast Lions Club have...
A up-and-coming community garden aims to breathe new life into a plot of land left untouched. WFIR’s...
Vinton’s Thrasher Park will play host to a free event designed to help people recharge for Mental...
A food truck and its owner are now tied to an event venue that’s expanded past just...
A runway extension to accommodate larger passengers planes, terminal improvements that might include additional gates. Just several...
A new CTE center and the renovation of two elementary schools are Roanoke County Public Schools top...