From the WFIR News room this is your Culture Calendar – sponsored by the Roanoke Arts Commission...
Gene Marrano
After 2 years of construction a 124-room hotel across from the Radford University campus cut the ribbon...
If you’ve never been down to New Orleans to see the colorful and imaginative Mardi Gras parades...
CommUNITY Church pastor Dr. Thomas McCracken will challenge incumbent Martha Hooker for the Republican nomination for the...
Scott Parkinson, a former congressional staffer and advisor to now-Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and other Republican officials,...
Skills training, certifications and job searches are services that Goodwill Industries of the Valleys are well known...
A new name, but the same mission – Carilion Clinic’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavorial Medicine is...
On March 29, 2023 at approximately 3:30 p.m., Roanoke Police were notified by the City of Roanoke...
We were once again joined live in studio this morning by Roanoke City Manager Bob Cowell, for...
On March 28, 2023 at approximately 7:30 p.m., Roanoke Police were notified by the City of Roanoke...
A collaboration that includes Johnson & Johnson Innovation will pay off tomorrow when a shared lab space...
From the WFIR News room this is your Culture Calendar – sponsored by the Roanoke Arts Commission...
From the WFIR News room this is your Culture Calendar – sponsored by the Roanoke Arts Commission...
Think Williamsburg on a smaller scale perhaps – a “Living History Day,” at the Salem Museum this...
A source with knowledge of the situation said this weekend the sale of the Washington Commanders franchise...