“This Old House” has named a Roanoke neighborhood as Virginia’s “most timeless” for 2011. The home improvement magazine and television program includes “Mountain View” among 64 recognized nationwide.
Valeria Alphin nominated her neighborhood for the designation, an area with many homes originally built for affluent Roanoke residents.
[audio:https://wfirnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/03-02-Alphin-Bite1-WEB.mp3|titles=03-02 Alphin Bite1-WEB]Mountain View covers Cleveland to Patterson Avenues, 10th to 19th Streets. Many of its homes have fallen into disrepair, but Alphin says many others have been recently restored, and this recognition should help boost those efforts.
[audio:https://wfirnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/03-02-Alphin-Bite2-WEB.mp3|titles=03-02 Alphin Bite2-WEB]Mountain View is named after the Fishburn Mansion at 13th Street and Wasena Terrace. It is owned by the City of Roanoke and has been undergoing extensive renovations.
Click here for the “This Old House” article on Mountain View