A written threat has led to tighter security aboard one Patrick Henry High School Bus until further notice. Police found a threatening note–not on the bus, but in the 2900 block of Garden City Boulevard. They also found a glass jar filled with firecrackers and what police believe to be a flammable liquid. WFIR’s Evan Jones says the threat came to parents’ attention in a phone call from the school:
Here is the full automated call to Patrick Henry parents:
(Continue reading for a written version of the full telephone call.)
Here is a written copy of the telephone call as provided to us by Roanoke City Public Schools:
This is Joseph Jablonski, principal at Patrick Henry High School. Your student is assigned to ride Bus 66. I want you to know that Roanoke Police discovered a written threat directed at the bus. The police are aggressively investigating the matter. Roanoke City Public Schools has assigned a member of our security personnel to ride the bus to and from school until the matter is resolved.
I want to stress that your student’s safety is our first priority. Please feel confident that the school system is taking every possible precaution to ensure student safety. If you have questions, please call me at 853-2255.