Roanoke County public schools are urging parents to attend one of the “Partnering for the Privilege” safe teen driving programs scheduled for county’s five high schools. WFIR’s Jim Kent reports:
Giving your keys to a new teen driver?
Did you know?
Nationally over 5000 teens die in traffic crashes each year!
The crash rate for 16 year olds is 9x that of the general population.
Half of all teen drivers will be in a crash before they turn 20.
If a member of your family is preparing for the licensing process, you are invited to join other parents and students for a Partnering for the Privilege, Safe Teen Driving Program at a high school near you! As a parent or guardian, you are a key player in influencing teens to drive safely and responsibly.
Partnering for the Privilege is safe teen driving presentation designed for parents and students in the driver licensing process. The program brings together parents, students, schools, law enforcement and community resources in an effort to increase awareness and knowledge regarding teen drivers with the ultimate goal of reducing the number of car crashes and saving the lives of teen drivers and those with whom they share the road.
The meetings, held at each of the five high schools, will be approximately 90 minutes long and include the following agenda:
· The unique characteristics and risks of teen drivers
- An overview of the driver education program
- Teen traffic laws and the graduated licensing restrictions – Roanoke County Police Department
- Insuring the Teen Driver
- A parent’s perspective of a teen crash
The following meeting dates are available to provide access to all parents. If the meeting at your child’s school is not convenient or timely, you are encouraged to attend a meeting at any other site.