from Roanoke City Public Schools: Governor Youngkin has issued Executive Order Number Two regarding masks that will go into effect on January 24, 2022. At this time, Roanoke City Public Schools will continue to require students, staff, and visitors to wear face coverings in schools and on buses, as medically and developmentally appropriate.
Virginia law currently requires school systems to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance in schools; therefore, face coverings will remain in effect in RCPS as we await further guidance from the Virginia legislature or are directed otherwise by the CDC. The use of face coverings on buses is a federal requirement issued in February 2021.
Senate Bill 1303, which was signed into law last year by the Virginia General Assembly, requires public schools in Virginia to offer in-person instruction and to follow mitigation strategies provided by the CDC to reduce the spread of COVID-19, to the maximum extent practicable. Current CDC guidance for COVID-19 prevention in K-12 schools includes indoor masking for individuals ages 2-years and older, including students, teachers, staff, and visitors in schools, regardless of vaccination status. Our partners at the Virginia Department of Health also continue to emphasize the important role face coverings play in reducing the transmission of COVID-19 in our community.
The health and safety of our students and staff are always our top priority. The layered prevention strategies RCPS has in place, including the use of face coverings, have been successful in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and keeping our schools open. We also urge everyone in our RCPS family to get their vaccinations and booster shots if able.
Thank you for your continued support of Roanoke City Public Schools.