Tyson Wohlford (Family photo)

The first weeks of parenthood are becoming very challenging ones for a first-time dad who grew up in Roanoke County and his wife. Less than 24 hours after their son was born, things started to quickly go downhill, but they have reason to hope  their son can live a full life. The story from WFIR’s Evan Jones.

[audio:http://wfirnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/09-02-Baby-Tyson-Wrap2-WEB.mp3|titles=09-02 Baby Tyson Wrap2-WEB]
Tyson Wohlford was born August 17th — a great day for Justin Wohlford, a 2002 Northside High School grad. Indeed, everything had looked fine for months during the pregnancy, but less than 24 hours after birth, Tyson started to turn blue. Doctors determined he has Shone’s Complex, a heart defect that restricts blood flow. He’s already had one surgery as a result. He’ll need at least two more.
Justin Wohlford and his wife Meg live in the Nashville, Tennessee area, home to Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. There’s no question about the quality of care, but the Wohlfords and their many Roanoke area relatives have quickly learned what seems to be a smooth pregnancy is no assurance of an easy life.

You can track Tyson’s progress on this website.