From Roanoke County Police: On 9/21/2015 Joseph Lynn Salmon’s vehicle was located in a parking area near the Roanoke River Overlook. Rangers with the Park Service determined that none of his family nor acquaintances had heard from Mr. Salmon. A clothing item found near the river has also been identified as belonging to Mr. Salmon. The Blue Ridge Parkway rangers initiated a search with the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department. After several days of searching Mr. Salmon has not been located nor has he communicated with anyone. The Department is asking the users of the Parkway and Roanoke River to contact the Emergency Communication Center if he is located. Mr. Salmon is described as 63 year old white male, 5’10 and 165 pounds, He has brown hair and eyes. The number to call is either 911 or 540 562 3265.