Governor Northam has extended his order keeping many Virginia businesses closed for another two weeks. It was set to expire a week from tomorrow, and it now remains in effect until May 8th. The order applies to entertainment, recreation, and personal care businesses — and to all gatherings of more than 10. A separate stay-at-home order remains in effect until June 10th.
Executive Order 53 covers the following:
*Recreational and entertainment businesses, like bowling alleys and theaters must remain closed.
*Non-essential retail stores are allowed to remain open so long as they can limit patrons to 10 at most, maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet and follow CDC guidelines on sanitation.
*Restaurants and food service establishments may remain open for carry-out, curbside pickup, or delivery, but not in-house dining.*Hair salons, barbers, massage therapists and similar non-essential services unable to carry out social distancing are required to remain closed.