(From DrumstickDash.net) These last few days have been a whirlwind of conversations with Roanoke City Traffic & Engineering – then follow ups with our Race Director, Roanoke City Police Chief Sam Roman, the Sheriff’s Department and Police Chiefs from every surrounding locality and even friends who sprang into action to get certified traffic flaggers.
On the current race course in Downtown Roanoke, we need a police officer at every traffic light and major intersection. This requires a minimum of 13 officers and ideally 15-18 officers.
With the current staffing crisis with all Police Departments, the force is stretched so thin that they are unable to provide the level of officers needed to provide safety for the Downtown course.
The DASH must go on!
With lots of behind the scenes work, we have identified an alternative course utilizing areas around Rivers Edge and the Greenways. Our team is working diligently to set up this course with a level of excitement and fun that the Atlantic Union Drumstick Dash is known for.