UPDATE: ABC officials say the store is reopening Thursday at noon.
PREVIOUS: Virginia ABC officials say the Cave Spring store in southwest Roanoke County did not open today [Wednesday] because an employee reported having symptoms similar to COVID-19. When that occurs, ABC stores are closed until professional deep cleaning and sanitization is completed, and officials say that work was going on today. It was not immediately clear how regularly or how often such temporary closures occur at ABC outlets across the state and region.
FROM VIRGINIA ABC: We can confirm that store #309 at 3901 Brambleton Avenue, SW in Roanoke did not open at noon today because an employee of the store reported having symptoms similar to COVID-19. Per our protocol (see below), we closed the store until professional deep cleaning and sanitization has been completed, which is currently underway.
Virginia ABC has implemented a protocol for facility closures due to COVID-19, based on guidance from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). ABC facilities include stores, regional Bureau of Law Enforcement offices, the warehouse and central office. When a store is closed for COVID-related reasons, it is professionally deep cleaned and sanitized, and any employees with known exposure to COVID-19 are asked to quarantine. The store reopens after cleaning, typically within 24 hours depending on scheduling of the cleaning and store staffing levels. We don’t currently have a range of stores closed in a day, stores are closed/cleaned as deemed necessary based on the protocol and may reopen within the same day.