Roanoke Mayor David Bowers made it official last night: he will seek another four years in next May’s municipal election. Bowers has been elected mayor three times before in 1992, 1996 and 2008. He says the greatest challenge facing the city today is maintaining important services at a time of reduced state and federal funding.More from WFIR’s Evan Jones.
[audio:http://wfirnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/12-07-Bowers-Wrap1-WEB.mp3|titles=12-07 Bowers Wrap1-WEB]Bowers says Roanoke has weathered the difficult recent years relatively well, in large part because Council members are working together finding ways to maintain important services even as less money comes in. He says the greatest challenge facing the city is maintaining important services at a time of reduced state and federal funding.
Bowers lost his last bid for re-election in 2000. Click here for 2000 Roanoke municipal election results.
Bowers regained office in 2008. Click here for 2008 Roanoke municipal election results.