Ten area organizations hope to help thousands of Roanoke children get the next school year off to a good start, and they are asking for help now to get it done. The “Back to School Blast” next month will provide school supplies and bookbags to children from low-income families. The Roanoke Rescue Mission’s Leslie Littlefield says they especially need bookbag donations.
[audio:https://wfirnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/07-06-Littlefield-Bite1-WEB.mp3|titles=07-06 Littlefield Bite1-WEB]
The deadline for donations is July 31st. The supplies and bookbags will be distributed in the “Back to School Blast” August 13th at the Roanoke Civic Center. The event will also provide new shoes, even haircuts.
Click here for a full list of requested items for donation.