LOW MOOR, Va. (AP) — An Alleghany County man arrested in a decades-old sexual assault has been released from jail after posting a $1 million bail. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports 52-year-old Cornelius Francis Florman of Low Moor has spent over a year behind bars on charges related to the 1998 attack of a Florida woman. Court records say he was released Saturday when his bail was posted. They say DNA linked Florman to the 1998 sexual battery of a woman who was kidnapped and knocked unconscious after leaving a Fort Myers Beach bar. Florman is the great-grandson of the founder of Reynolds Metals and was convicted in a 1986 rape in Chesterfield County, Virginia. He was tried twice but not convicted in a separate rape that same year in Henrico County, Virginia. Florman’s lawyer didn’t immediately respond requests for comment.