Work continues to clear a recent rockslide from the Blue Ridge Parkway, one that is continuing to close a 15-mile stretch that takes you to Peaks of Otter and beyond. The earth and rocks fell onto the roadway one week ago between US 460 and Peaks of Otter, and as a result, the parkway remains closed between 460 east of Bonsack to the point known as Bearwallow Gap, where state route 43 meets it from Buchanan — and from the other direction, Goose Creek Valley Road from Montvale. Parkway officials say a long-term closure does not appear likely, since this slide did not appear to undercut the roadway. But until there is a full determination, they recommends reaching the Peaks of Otter by taking route 43 from either Buchanan or Bedford. More from WFIR’s Evan Jones: