The NCAA has relocated its Division 3 men’s and women’s soccer championships to Salem after withdrawing the...
Open Enrollment for Medicare Part D starts October 15th. The LOA Area Agency on Aging is offering...
A walk to fight Suicide is being held tomorrow on the back Quad at Roanoke College. It’s...
Roanoke County Police have determined through an internal investigation that officers took appropriate action when arresting Alvin...
The Virginia Department of Education is developing the first-ever statewide regulations to govern when and how public...
A proposed change for Roanoke City’s Residential mixed-use district could allow two-family homes on smaller parcels than...
The Head of School at Faith Christian calls it a “field trip on steroids.” WFIR’s Gene Marrano...
Virginia Western Community College will host its 10th annual Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Healthcare Summit and...
City Councilman John Garland and the Roanoke Tea Party have sharply differing views on permitting guns in...
The third annual “Star City Sweetness” on Saturday will raise money and awareness for an organization that...
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) – Virginia’s attorney general says it’s not against the law for Virginia voters to take...
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) – Some Virginia law enforcement officials are being equipped with cellphones that will help...
Rescued horses and military veterans coping with post traumatic stress disorder are now coming together at a...
From the Christiansburg Police Department: We are searching for three missing juveniles October 5, 2016 – The...
CHIP of Roanoke Valley is holding its free dental day tomorrow, giving kids the chance to have...