Evan Jones

Trinkle AnnounceRoanoke City Councilman David Trinkle made it official this morning: he is running for Mayor in May’s election. Trinkle is in his third term on Council; he says he has the background and qualities necessary to be an effective mayor:

Trinkle is a geriatric psychiatrist at Carilion Clinic, also known for owning the Fork in the Alley and Fork in the Market restaurants.

Carson at LibertyPresidential candidate Ben Carson told Liberty University students his mother helped set him on his productive lifetime course, but is it one that didn’t start out that way. Carson says he was a pretty bad student at first, so much that so that his nickname was “dummy” — a nickname  he believed until his mother started turning off the TV and told Ben he had to read books and submit reports on them to her.  WFIR’s Evan Jones has the story.

David BowersRoanoke Mayor David Bowers hopes he will be remembered as a “friendly” mayor — and one who at least played a part in many steps forward for the Star City in the 24 years he has served on City Council, 16 of them as mayor. Bowers announced yesterday he would not seek re-election next May, and as WFIR’s Evan Jones reports, he also had some advice for anyone seeking to succeed him:


Drive to save livesFootball coaches Frank Beamer and Mike London are helping State Police get a message out, one police hope will reduce Virginia traffic deaths by 15% per cent in the next year. The two coaches appear in a traffic safety public service announcement, and as WFIR’s Evan Jones reports, police hope it will capture public notice and attention.

Click here to see the full Public Service Announcement



Steve Nelson (WDBJ7 image)

Steve Nelson
(WDBJ7 image)

Steve Nelson is running for the 19th State Senate seat as an “Independent Conservative”, a campaign he is basing largely as an alternative to both political parties. A major  goal is see Virginia get moving on major improvements to the US 220 corridor between Roanoke to the North Carolina line. WFIR’s Evan Jones has our campaign profile.

Click below to hear more from Steve Nelson (speaking with WFIR’s Gene Marrano):