Virginia state Senators return to Richmond for a special session today, and they are expected to pass...
Evan Jones
As the Supreme Court begins hearings on the health care overhaul law today, Consumers Union, which publishes...
Botetourt County Supervisors have selected a new county administrator, and she will not have to move very...
Angels of Assisi says one of its own employees misled them about five puppies brought in earlier...
The Virginia Board of Education has approved tougher pass rates for the new Standards of Learning math...
If you are looking for a job, make sure your Facebook page will pass muster with a...
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation is looking for teenagers who want to join the State...
The Roanoke City Libraries worker who performed a stip-tease during a fund-raiser claims the city is now...
A statewide poll shows lower approval ratings for both Governor McDonnell and state lawmakers. The Quinnipiac University...
The American Civil Liberties Union will ask the U.S. Justice department to review Virginia’s recently-passed voter-ID law...
President Obama now has the largest statewide lead he has seen in this election cycle, but the...
Someone apparently abandoned a half-dozen puppies on the side of Interstate 81, and the quick work of...
Two bald eagle chicks have hatched in recent days at a Richmond nest getting thousands of on-line...
State forestry officials say the Poor Mountain brush fire is 100% contained. Now they’re trying to determine...
There are 35 state parks across the Commonwealth, and their popularity means visitors should act soon to...