Two people were arrested after disruptions during a Roanoke County School Board meeting that featured discussion regarding new rules about “curricular and noncurricular school and classroom displays.” WFIR’s Clark Palmer has details from last night’s meeting.
Roanoke County Public Schools issued the following statement following last night’s school board meeting:
One of the core values of Roanoke County Public Schools that we teach our students is respect. This includes respect for other’s opinions, even if we do not agree with that opinion. At every school board meeting, the public has the opportunity to exercise their first amendment right to express their opinions. At tonight’s school board meeting, we heard from 27 students, staff, parents and Roanoke County residents who expressed their views and opinions and we thank each of these individuals for sharing their thoughts. Unfortunately, after the opportunity for public comment had ended, a handful of individuals chose to be disruptive and disrespectful during an informational presentation with outbursts using vulgar language. After two warnings, the school board chairman asked all visitors to leave. Sadly, some chose not to do so and had to be escorted out by police. This is not the kind of behavior we tolerate and these actions in no way are reflective of the many outstanding parents, students and staff that are part of the Roanoke County Public Schools community.