(Fox News) In the midst of brewing economic escalation, White House adviser Larry Kudlow said he couldn’t promise a finalized trade deal with China by the 2020 election, but claimed a major trade announcement was coming, during an interview with CNN. “I can’t make any promises. I don’t want to make any forecasts,” he said Sunday, on “State of the Union.” “I will repeat, however, that the negotiations between the two great countries continue. And I think it’s always better to talk than not to talk.”
Kudlow claimed the announcement of a trade deal with China was forthcoming and said the U.S. is simultaneously closing a separate deal, which would encompass Mexico and Canada as well. “We’re planning on having China come and… there’s an imminent announcement coming, this afternoon here… with a large-scale trade deal with China that would include agriculture, as well as e-commerce and other areas,” he said. “Not only is there a successful trade deal being brokered with Japan, but we have a terrific deal with USMCA — our partners in Canada and Mexico, which will add between half to one percentage point additional GDP per year.”