In case you needed any reminding, it is not a very good idea to drive your vehicle onto river or pond ice. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office in northern Virginia says several young adults actually tried that New Year’s Day – with predictable results. Everyone got out safely, but the SUV had to be towed out of the Potomac River.
Facebook Page post: The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office and Loudoun County Fire and Rescue are reminding residents to never walk or attempt to drive a vehicle on frozen streams, rivers and ponds. The warning comes after several young adults drove an SUV on the Potomac River on January 1 near Algonkian Regional Park. This is not only dangerous but unlawful according to the United States Park Police. During Monday’s incident, ice under the vehicle gave way and the SUV became stuck near the shoreline. Fortunately everyone inside the vehicle was able to exit safely. The vehicle had to be towed from the water.