The Grandin Village Summer Farmers Market opens as scheduled tomorrow, but it will be different in some ways from past years, as seen in the photo to the left. Until further notice, the market will operate as drive-through only, allowing you to pick up pre-ordered products from each vendor.
NEWS RELEASE: [ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, April 24, 2020 –] While many things have changed over the past few weeks, Earth Day still marks the start of the season for the Grandin Village Farmers Market, which opens this Saturday, April 25. This year, however, the market will open as a drive-thru only market for customers to pick-up pre-ordered products from each market vendor.
To best protect our community of vendors and customers, LEAP (Local Environmental Agriculture Project) has created no-touch systems that allow customers to easily purchase and take home fresh, sustainably-grown local food. LEAP looks forward to providing the more traditional farmers market experience, but until then, the LEAP Online Marketplace keeps both the West End Farmers Market (Tuesday) and the Grandin Village Farmers Market (Saturday) open in a safe way.
For many, the start of the Grandin Village Farmers Market signals the start of the season of local bounty. This year, the opening also coincides with Virginia Farmers Market Week (April 27 through May 3). The Virginia Tourism Corporation and the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) are encouraging Virginians to support the farmers markets offering curbside pick-up, as well as no-contact delivery.
“Many Virginia farmers markets are open for business as they have transitioned their operations to encourage social distancing and no-contact purchasing,” says Dr. Jewel H. Bronaugh, VDACS Commissioner.
Like many businesses, local farmers have experienced significant disruptions to their business models. In spite of the loss of sales to restaurants, schools, and other outlets, many local farmers have seen a spike in household customer demand for fresh, local food. Farmers markets and their short supply chains are resilient and can shift to keep feeding the local community, despite global disruptions. In times of economic uncertainty, supporting locally-owned farm businesses keeps food dollars in our local community. Community members are integral to the continued health and resilience of farmers markets and local food producers, especially now. Thank you in advance for your shared commitment to community, farmers markets, and local food.
LEAP is committed to serving the community, especially with the increased need for food caused by the Covid 19 pandemic. Families and individuals in our community are struggling with food insecurity, many perhaps for the first time. LEAP strives to make good, healthy food accessible to everyone. As with all LEAP Farmers Markets, the LEAP Online Marketplace offers a 50% discount to customers who receive SNAP (formerly “food stamps”), Medicaid, or WIC (half the order by value must consist of fresh fruits and vegetables). So, for example, for every $1 a customer spends with their EBT card, they take home $2 worth of delicious, local food. To redeem your discount, simply contact LEAP directly at [email protected]. To learn more about the Online Market visit LEAPforLocalFood.org/OnlineMarket and to start shopping visit LEAPforLocalFood.LulusLocalFood.com.
Due to the constantly evolving nature of Covid-19 and our community response, please monitor LEAP’s website or social media for updates, or reach out directly if you have time-sensitive questions or concerns.