Finding better ways to teach with the help of technology–that’s the focus of “Think Tank 2,” for...
Gene Marrano
With roadside signs reading “Butt what?”… “No if’s, ands or Butts” … and “No butts about it”,...
Save for the fourth quarter phone poll of 601 Virginians last November – when negative political campaigns...
Both Roanoke County government and the County School board want to give their employees a 2-percent raise…now...
(Salem) The Salem Fire Marshal has ruled that the recent fire at the Salem Commons complex was...
In about 18 months, after 9 million dollars worth of renovations, the former upscale grocery store will...
Using part of a block grant that is also sprucing up downtown streetscapes, the town worked with...
What was once the high-end grocery store Ukrop’s is on its way to becoming a specialty out-patient...
The Democrat, who succeeded the retired Onzlee Ware, also says the political battles he expected at least...
(Richmond) A State Senate committee has killed legislation that would have allowed the state to convict a...
Conditions on Virginia highways and byways will improve over the next few days – sun is forecasted...
With V-DOT reporting that many secondary roads won’t even see a plow until the snow completely stops,...
Roanoke Fire-EMS wants people to be safe if they must drive during the predicted snowstorm. Better yet...
February 11, 2014 (ROANOKE COUNTY)—Roanoke County Public Safety Officials have been meeting regularly and preparing for what...
Trying to keep travelers from being stranded at its Charlotte hub, US Airways has already canceled outbound...