Gene Marrano

The Roanoke Valley Greenways Commission will be revamping its website to make it more attractive and user-friendly. That costs money and today American Electric Power awarded Pathfinders for Greenways $30,000 to cover that cost. Larry Jackson with AEP in Roanoke presented Pathfinders with a “big check”. The Greenways Commission also wants public feedback about its website. You can fill out a short survey about that online.

VDOT Jason Bond

Some may recall December 4 – today – as the promised date for the completion of the 10th Street northwest Roanoke paving project. But its not quite done and Jason Bond with VDOT says blame it in part on bad weather. Bond says VDOT is reducing their payment to the contractor for missing today’s deadline. The paving and utility replacement project has tested the patience of many local residents in the northwest community around 10th Street.

The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is now hearing from members of the public at its afternoon meeting before it considers a “Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution” as some other localities have enacted.  The all-Republican Board of Supervisors  heard from local Republican delegates Chris Head and Joe McNamara, who led off the public comments section by affirming their support for such a resolution.  Acting County Attorney Peter Lubeck told the board it would be appropriate to pass a resolution confirming its commitment to the Constitutional right to bear arms:

The vast majority of citizens speaking voiced support for such a resolution, including Gary Flora:

Among those opposed to the resolution: Janet Scheid, a former Roanoke County employee and a current Vinton Town Council member:

Close to two dozen Virginia counties have passed similar resolutions in recent weeks. Roanoke City leaders say there will be no such action from City Council.