Peacemakers founder and former Roanoke City Council candidate Shawn Hunter says he will address City Council today...
Gene Marrano
Its do or die for the Washington capitals tonight – down games 3 to 2 against Tampa...
Virginia’s Blue Ridge is now one of only 15 “Silver-Level Ride Centers” in the world – and...
(from ABC News) President Trump said in a tweet Sunday that he is ordering the Department of Justice...
Delegate Ben Cline has won the Republican nomination for the Sixth District at the GOP convention in...
(VDH release) Following heavy rain events this week, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) reminds people to...
Rain or shine, the annual Local Colors Festival is a “go” tomorrow at Elmwood Park. More from...
The International Mountain Biking Association has named the Roanoke Valley as a preferred “Silver” destination for mountain...
Its more energy efficient, has wider aisles, a bigger seating section for the in-store deli and a...
Peacemakers founder and former Roanoke City Council candidate Shawn Hunter has filed a formal complaint against City...
The amateur golfers who will tee off today weather permitting in the Scott Robertson Memorial Tournament will...
The new Summit View Business Park in Franklin County covers 550 acres. Stik-Pak Solutions, a contract packaging...
Its no secret that there has been plenty of activity in Vinton over the past few years....
The Caps lead Tampa Bay 2 games to 1 – and Liberty plays Hofstra in softball tomorrow:
For a 4th year “The Gauntlet” small business competition will award the winners cash and services at...