Bob Clark

Interstate 581 is open once again, and we now have a better idea about what caused the southbound side to be closed during the morning commute. State Police say a man either jumped or fell off the Hershberger Road bridge into the center southbound lane and was struck by several vehicles.  Investigators suspect it was a suicide, but they still had to treat the highway as a crime scene, thus the southbound shutdown that lasted about three hours. More from WFIR’s Bob Clark.


The City of Salem is preparing once again to host the Stagg Bowl Friday night. It is the game that determines the NCAA Division III football championship. One of this year’s teams is a newcomer, but the other is quite familiar with December games in Salem. WFIR’s Bob Clark has the story.


Roanoke City Public Schools photo

Roanoke City Schools will unveil plans tonight for renovations at Round Hill Elementary. School officials say the work would take place in three phases over the next three summers. Phase I calls for expanding the cafeteria and library and for replacing the current gym at a cost of $1.8 million. Tonight’s public meeting starts at 6:30 at the school. WFIR’s Bob Clark has the story.

300 homes in the City of Roanoke will receive smoke detectors, extinguishers and nine volt batteries later this week. Lowe’s stores are donating $5,000 for the items as part of their Heroes program. Firefighters and  Police along with Lowe’s employees will deliver the gifts in all four quadrants of the City this Friday. WFIR’s Bob Clark has the story.

The Vinton Lions Club will celebrate its 80th anniversary tonight. Throughout the years, the club has sponsored nine different local clubs, and since 1995, it has raised over $150,000 for local donations. A major accomplishment by the club continues to be the help it was able to give in the building of the Vinton War Memorial. WFIR’s Bob Clark has the story.