A just-released report shows workplace deaths have fallen in Virginia. Details from WFIR’s Bob Clark.
[audio:http://wfirnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/10-3-Workplace-Fatalities-Wrap_WEB.mp3|titles=10-3 Workplace Fatalities Wrap_WEB]
The Virginia Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries report 104 fatalities at the workplace in the Commonwealth in 2010 compared to 119 in 2009. 88% of deaths were men. In addition, 64% of those who died from workplace injury were white, non Hispanic. Once again, transportation incidents accounted for the most work-related deaths with 54, and increase of 10% over 2010. The 104 work-related deaths in 2010 show an decrease of 13% from last year.