(RRP release) Roanoke Regional Partnership Launches Search to Replace Executive: Beth Doughty, executive director,announced today that she will retire in December after 22 years with the Roanoke Regional Partnership. It is the public-private economic development marketing and strategy organization supported by Alleghany, Botetourt, Franklin, and Roanoke Counties, the cities of Covington, Roanoke, and Salem, and the town of Vinton as well as more than 200 businesses.Doughty joined the Partnership in 1990 as marketing director and was executive director from 1992-1999. After serving as president of the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce from 1999-2008, she rejoined the Partnership for the past 12 years.She is a past president of the Virginia Economic Developers Association, received its Cardinal award,and was named three times as one of the top 50 economic developers in North America by Consultant Connect. “It has been an honor to work for the Partnership, lead its evolution, and work with a talented and committed team,” said Doughty. “I have been motivated by the many ways this organization makes a difference.”