An organization dedicated to medical education gets ready to observe a 50th birthday… Health Focus of Southwest...
Gene Marrano
The job market is good for graduates of Miller-Motte Technical College…that was the word at a career...
The Livable Roanoke Valley coalition is wrapping up a year of surveys and public meetings with a...
More than 80 arts and cultural institutions in the area have signed on to become part...
There are almost 50 neighborhood watches operating in Roanoke … the newest in southwest city near Virginia...
A school safety expert told Roanoke City administrators last week that their biggest issue may not involve...
An ambitious new exhibit opening at the Taubman Museum of Art is decribed by artist Bill Rutherfoord...
It would be the first of its kind in Virginia … and one of few available nationwide…Virginia...
The Commonwealth Games of Virginia are now 25 years old … and another prominent speaker is set...
Never thought of old gas stations as works of art? The Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation says think...
The Salem YMCA wants local fathers – and the rest of their families – to run, walk,...
Norfolk-Southern and Operation Lifesaver are joining forces this week to raise public awareness about safety at railroad...
Roanokers age 18 and under who qualified for lunch the free or reduced lunches can also get...
Former Roanoke City Manager Bern Ewert helped make the announcement today – a 100-million dollar project near...
Nine years in a row – that’s how many forensics titles the Salem High School Spartans have...