If you own property in Roanoke City the new stormwater utility fee – which will be phased...
Gene Marrano
On June 30 Roanoke police responded to a business in the 1400 block of Hershberger Road NW...
Virginia Cares helps ex-felons find jobs all across the Commonwealth from 12 locations … it also wants...
Many will head to River’s Edge tonight for the 4th of July Fireworks in Roanoke, an annual...
One way to avoid July 4th holiday traffic on the highways – and major storms at the...
Roanoke residents who want to learn more about raising chickens and harvesting the eggs might benefit from...
“What’s Your Plan?” the Roanoke Prevention Alliance wants to know … if you consume too much alcohol...
Just weeks after announcing a 100 million dollar redevelopment project called “The Bridges,” the first tenant has...
It’s billed as the largest free gate fair in America… and today the Salem Fair returns for...
By tomorrow or Thursday many people will be on their way towards their 4th of July holiday...
If you are used to driving past a bicyclist and allowing them two feet of space …...
It took many years before the impending return of passenger train service to Roanoke became a reality...
Every summer since 1992, Roanoke Star Soccer Club boys and girls teams head to Gothenburg, Sweden, for...
Four hours of cruising on Williamson Road tonight … a whole day of vintage car and truck...
The 37-million-dollar Cregger Center will soon start to take shape on the Roanoke College campus…they began demolition...