The man charged with killing the Lyon sisters more than 40 years ago entered guilty pleas today...
Evan Jones
Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam says recent Gillespie ads portraying him as “No Show Northam” are wrong on...
Democratic candidate for governor Ralph Northam campaigns today in Roanoke. His appearances include meeting professional firefighters at...
As Irma moves northward, forecasters in Virginia and neighboring states are looking as much at rainfall as...
A California-based company will move into two floors of the former Norfolk Southern building in downtown Roanoke....
Swift-water rescue team members from our area say what you have seen on TV from Texas doesn’t...
The Washington Post reports the man charged with murdering the Lyon sisters in 1975 is preparing to...
The Transportation Security Administration says its officers spotted a loaded handgun going through routine screening yesterday at...
Eight Lewis Gale Regional Health System employees from our region have now been in Texas for a...
Congressman Bob Goodlatte says he has no problem with the special counsel’s probe into alleged collusion last...
With Labor Day now past us, this is the time that campaigns typically get into full swing...
If you had to fill up over the weekend, you know how much prices have risen in...
One of the major pipelines that sends gasoline to our region from the Gulf Coast has temporarily...
Eight Lewis Gale Regional Health System employees are now in Texas to help provide medical care —...
Virginia does not appear to face any potential gasoline disruptions from Hurricane Harvey — that from the...