The Board of Education has handed out “V-I-P” awards to local schools that are exceeding state and...
Gene Marrano
With the flick of a switch – and almost 5 million dollars in upgrades over the past...
The new stormwater management utility fee Roanoke City will start collecting from residents and business owners this...
Roanoke City Police Chief Chris Perkins calls it “the elephant in the room,” … a website crime...
May is National Bike Month …locally that means an amateur film festival, a “Clean Commute Challenge” and...
Two of the five seats on Vinton Town Council are being contested. Vinton Area Chamber of Commerce...
April is Autism Awareness Month and a local non-profit that provides services for children with related learning...
A night time shooting that took place on the Roanoke River Greenway ten days ago may leave...
Some offices at Jefferson Center in Roanoke hadn’t seen new paint in almost two decades…Faith Christian School...
Roanoke’s annual Earth Day celebration takes place in Grandin Village from 10-am to 4-pm tomorrow…it blends entertainment...
The guest of honor for tomorrow’s Blue Ridge Marathon ran a 3-mile “shake out” this morning on...
America’s Toughest Road Marathon is finally here…the Blue Ridge Marathon is tomorrow morning. The numbers are up...
Roanoke mayor David Bowers said the city’s reputation as “one of the great American public places in...
It cost almost three million dollars to renovate but the Harvester Performance Center in Rocky Mount seemed...
With “very little likelihood” of membership in ICLEI surviving the next budget vote, Roanoke County supervisors advised...