The Roanoke County official at the center of an employee misconduct investigation last year will “resign his position and retire from public service” in February. The county’s handling of the investigation into Director of Human Resources Joseph Sgroi became a public matter when supervisors Al Bedrosian and Butch Church expressed unhappiness with the outcome at the time.
Here is the statement from Roanoke County Administrator Thomas Gates: Joseph Sgroi, director of Human Resources will resign his position and retire from public service, effective February 13, 2015. “I thank Mr. Sgroi for his years of service to the citizens of Roanoke County,” said Gates. “During Mr. Sgroi’s tenure, the County’s Human Resources Department has become a modern, employee-focused organization committed to meeting the needs of our organization.” Sgroi joined the County in 1996. Since that time, he has led efforts to ensure market-based pay structures for employees, initiated organizational development and training initiatives, and instituted wellness programs for employees aimed at reducing health care costs in the workforce. Anita Hassell, who is currently serving as Acting Human Resources Director, will continue in that capacity. The County will immediately initiate a nationwide search for a new director.