Governor Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, could be facing felony charges for their involvement in a...
Starr Anderson
Sleet and freezing rain will make driving hazardous, especially on bridges and overpasses. The National Weather Service says ice buildups...
It’s Winter Preparedness Week, and the State Department of Emergency Management and the Department of Transportation encourage...
The Lynchburg Police Department is receiving almost $60,000 from the state to train its officers on how to handle...
ABC Stores across the state started extending their hours and discounting products on Black Friday last year....
The 17-year-old driver in the deadly accident on Merriman Road that killed two others has been released...
The Roanoke Fire Marshal’s Office wants you to remember the fire code while you’re doing your Black...
In one day, the food budget for the Roanoke Rescue Mission is met, and that day is...
The American Red Cross always sees a drop in blood donations around the holidays, and because the...
The State Health Department says it has identified about 150 William Fleming High School students considered at...
We all know the day after Thanksgiving is nicknamed “Black Friday” but, what many don’t know is...
AAA urges you to be prepared for whatever wintery conditions may on the roads tonight and tomorrow....
Many employers are looking to hire some seasonal workers, but the Better Business Bureau says be aware...
The Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce is encouraging people to participate in Small Business Saturday. The Chamber...
The latest Roanoke College poll shows consumers across the Commonwealth are not too optimistic about the economic future, especially people...