This weekend’s inaugural Roanoke Comedy Fest features two headliners who consider the show a bit of a...
Ian Price
WFIR is adding ‘Fox News Rundown’ to its morning lineup airing weekdays at 5 am. The one-hour...
The organizer behind a first-year haunted house that begins tomorrow in Roanoke says it will “raise the...
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Eight Virginia Commonwealth University students have been charged with hazing in a fraternity...
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (AP) — Sam Hartman threw three touchdown passes and Wake Forest scored on its first...
The CDC has now endorsed COVID-19 booster shots for millions of older or otherwise vulnerable Americans. WFIR’s...
It’s been the topic of council meeting after council meeting, now the priorities for American Rescue Plan...
Another local congressman is calling for the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman to be ousted if recent...
A haunted house benefiting Center in the Square is looking to hire help. WFIR’s Ian Price has...
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (AP) — The body of a 78-year-old northern Virginia man was found buried in...
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (AP) — Zacarias Moussaoui remains the only person ever convicted in a U.S. court...
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Crews in Virginia ended a daylong search Thursday after they were unable to...
Virginia’s U.S. Senators released comments ahead of tomorrow’s 9/11 20-year anniversary. WFIR’s Ian Price has more:
Below you can find a list of WFIR stories about the 9/11 20th anniversary. Click any of...
The Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center of Roanoke is releasing a Canada Goose at Virginia Tech this afternoon...