The “National Night Out” campaign began in 1984, an effort to promote involvement in crime prevention activities...
Gene Marrano
The former Virginia Museum of Transportation in Wasena – on the Roanoke River Greenway – may yet...
Pedestrian and biker safety on the Roanoke River Greenway is still a work in progress… and the...
The best-selling “Factory Man – How one Furniture Maker Battled Off-shoring, Stayed Local – and Helped Save...
Sheryl Crow spent part of the day at the Science Museum of Western Virginia yesterday- then she...
Commuters who use the I-81 Park and Ride lot near Falling Branch Elementary School at exit 118...
The second of three utility rate hikes to pay for water system upgrades will impact bills in...
The 40th annual Salem Distance Run on August 9th will raise money – and awareness – for...
Roanoke City Council has taken the lead in sponsoring a “Youth Summit” this Saturday at William Fleming...
August 1st through the 3rd is Virginia’s annual tax-free weekend for school supply shopping … its also...
Good weather … improved shuttle service from remote lots – and more elbow room … Floyd Fest...
State Senator John Edwards and officials from several health organizations urged Roanoke area residents this morning to...
Roanoke County is searching for a new administrator now that Clay Goodman is stepping down next week...
8 out of 10 bills for healthcare services that are reviewed by Medical Recovery Services are inaccurate...
He’s been on the job for about three weeks now … the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra’s new executive...