A romantic comedy titled “Where are You, Bobby Browning?” gets ready to shoot next month in Vinton…the...
Gene Marrano
Macaroni Kid-Roanoke is taking part in the organization’s “Do Something Great Day” by sponsoring an anti-bullying awareness...
Its being billed as Roanoke’s first full-service oufitter for outdoor recreation activities. Roanoke Mountain Adventures will open...
Between now and October 11th four new exhibits make their debut at the Taubman Museum of Art....
His first book on the 1955 U.S. Open was well-recieved by the golf world … now Floyd...
The General Assembly convenes this week for a special session where the focus is on the Medicaid...
Vinton officials cut the ribbon on the new Walnut Avenue bridge this morning as they wrapped...
The Drug Enforcement Administration has reclassified hydrocodone combination drugs as a schedule 2 medication … A substance...
Today is the first day on the job for Botetourt County’s first-ever Chief of Fire and Emergency...
The Blue Ridge Land Conservancy holds its annual Conservation Celebration this Sunday, when Roanoke Valley Greenways Coordinator...
No one expects a 9-11 terrorist attack in Roanoke … but the word went out after the...
For now a cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine is in place as they negotiate an end to...
Its the fourth in a series of public forums being held by a domestic violence task force...
With their new “Veggie Mobile” delivering fresh produce, Feeding America-Southwest Virginia and Carilion Clinic are teaming up...
Developers and construction companies looking for guidance on how Botetourt County wants them to deal with new...